Monday, May 30, 2005



i just finished downloading the final episode of sopranos season 5. wow. there arent a lot of things that i tend to let myself get addicted to, but this series was one of them. i would recommend this to anyone. the screenplay, writing, directing, ect. was outstanding. only one more season to go.

also, it would appear that i have one more blog to go before i hit the 100 mark. whoever is the 100th person to appear on this site, please email me for a prize. your welcome


Friday, May 27, 2005



i slept for the first time last nite. in the past couple of weeks, sleep has taken a back sleep to stress. i finally feel caught up with work enough that i slept rather effectively. then again, if i had a better bed in california, then sleep should have been much better. i miss my bed in utah. a pillow top queen bed can only be beaten by a king or cali size pillow top bed with down comforter. am i right?

due to my sleep apnia (sp) which i think i have, its something that i really should get checked out. if anyone has any ideas on better or more restful sleep, please feel free to post.

Thursday, May 26, 2005


better than his pumpkin bread, just barely...

as long as i am in the mood, i also want to brag about another musician i listen to. his name is colby stead. never before have i met a more creative person in my entire life. not only is he creative in his music, but also in how he delivers his emotion and style. out of a simple name has come so much inspiration and love.

not only on a musical level have i a relationship with colby, but i consider him a very good friend. whereas most people seem to gain prestige, power, and notoriety with fame, colby has an incredible persona that does not reflect that of an successful performer.

his music is not for the faint of heart however. he plays tunes that will sink directly into the very soul of any person. the lyrics are not only real, they echo emotion that makes your heart race with feelings juxtaposed. after seeing a colby show, you leave the performance with more than just emotions that make you think, you might just leave the venue carrying something.

one of the most ironic senarios i have ever encountered has been in participating in a colby show. most people attend a concert feeling like they have to sit there and listen, and leave with little or no interaction with the artist. colby is unlike anyone. he stays afterward and talks with fans, he remembers their names (seriously, he remembers almost all of their names and important things about them), and he always makes sure you feel genuine.

one more thing. he not only gives a gift of music, he gives the gift of prizes. colby has a raffle and gives out prizes. its quite frankly a brilliant move. people are participants in the very show they expected not to participate it. its enthralling.

colby's also the most forgiving person. just ask me. actually, ask him, or at least have him tell you the story of his guitar and a trip to texas to visit me. hehe. please visit his website at:

oh yeah, be sure to try his homemade salsa and pumpkin chocolate chip bread. wow.


Tuesday, May 24, 2005


mason jennings

i don't know if many of you are familiar with mason jennings, but i would like to spend this post talking about how much i appreciate his musical style. its a sort of folkish rock, different from many forms of music, but with a hint of bob dylan in his voice. if there was anything that i do more in my free time than read, its spending time on his forum. you can find his forum at

with most of my friends listening to mason just as much as i do, i find there are good memories attributed to mason. there isn't a camping trip or a bike ride that doesn't go by without someone signing a familiar mason tune. it just brings goodness to the soul. he sings about good things, pleasant times (for the most part), and all of his music charges you through and through. check out his music, i am sure you will enjoy it just as much as i do.

there is also a link on the sidebar.


Saturday, May 21, 2005


hegemonic blog?

in a recent conversation with a close friend, we talked about blog innovations and internet traffic. one of the topics that was talked about in depth was how to get people to your site. i know that i have sent this link to a few people (and from my stat counter i know they have checked it out) and cannot seem to get people to comment on anything that i have written.

this brings me to my point: hegemony. i think a lot of people (at least the ones who know what it means) underestimate the meaning of this word. of course there are meanings to it that include coercive or consensual behavior, but what really is the motive behind such a phrase. the underlying tone in my posting these comments is to get some reaction, but to what extent will i go to get more traffic to my site?

in some upcoming posts, i hope to bring insight into some theory behind social interaction, behavior, and reasoning. maybe if you read this, you might be compelled (in a consensual manner, hehe) to feel involved in this task i call a blog.


update (ten minutes later):
after re-reading my post in depth, i sound like a little girl. i do not want this post to come across as being whiney or complaintant in the least sense of the term, just bear with it til i get some better stuff to talk about...

Friday, May 20, 2005


corporate spending responsibilities...

as most of my friends know, i am an employee of a rather successful alarm company, which is in the top ten of dealers for adt in north america. in the midst of confusion and a mis-communication on both sides, there has been some shortages of equipment which make for their satellite offices being short on supplies. its like being caught in the jungle in no snake biters for your legs, you never know if you are going to get bit, but if you do, man, you are screwed.

anyway, an office was short on equipment and i was asked to send him more supplies so that he would not get behind on future jobs. i was told to send it next day. the cost of sending the boxes was more than it would cost me to drive from california cross country in my truck. what a waste of finances. now my real question remains, is there or should there be some responsibility in corporate spending? if there are mistakes like this, where is the slack taken in? most of the time, its done on the consumer end. prices raise to compensate, making the burden on the buyer.

now i am not implying that the security business is going to skyrocket in monthly monitor rates or anything of the sort (actually, it does that, i just want to understand where the line is drawn concerning responsibility. how much is enough before companies start pushing the burden of their misguiding upon the consumer.


Thursday, May 19, 2005


the html 4 bible

the is a used bookstore no more than 3 blocks from my apartment which houses rare and exotic books. contained in their selection is a copy of "coming of age in samoa" by margaret mead. what is interesting is that the book is signed by her. what is not interesting about it is that they are asking 400 bucks for it. so i did what any middle class american would do...i purchased a used copy of the book "html 4 bible" for 10 dollars.


Wednesday, May 18, 2005


escape from alcatraz

this is my first post. i am sitting at home in my apartment waiting for equipment (for work) which will never be here. my work is either hectic or slow. such is the life for me. the movie "escape from alcatraz" starring clint eastwood is on amc. what a wonderful movie. i would like to escape from my own alcatraz one of these hours. i think he will make it out. he's got to, hes too important to just be in there for that long. do you know what we as a society would do it he didnt get out? no more dirty harry lines, no more directing boxing films about butch chicks, nothing. now do you see why he needs to get a break from that prison? it would be utter chaos i tell you...


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