Sunday, July 29, 2007
a year and a day

yep, its been a while. a long while. i have been around, here and there and everywhere. my current location is in burbank california. i still work with the same alarm company running the technical aspect of things. its a good job, but the hours are long and some of the customers are crazy. one advantage of it all is the job is seasonal and i get time off to do things i enjoy, like camping, photography, and traveling to distant cities to watch a concert or two.
speaking of photography, i made the mistake of not bringing my camera with me in my truck. my usual habit is to pack my camera in the center console, and then have it out taking pics and experimenting with new methods of photography.
there are also opportunities to shoot such odd events that are so unbelievable that a picture is the only way to make something believable. my luck wasnt with me yesterday.
while in compton, one will notice churches on almost every block. its almost sickening to see this many churches and then wonder if there are so many churches then why is the area such a shithole of a place to live...
and there it was, the advertisment for this weeks sermon:
i didnt know my soul needed that. ouch. what would you use, a spiritual knife, or just one thats really sharp?
on a better note, i welcome everyone to come back to my site, spread the word that i still live, and that i didnt get lost.